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Windows 8.1 is the third most popular version of Windows, following Windows 7. It serves as a transitional version between Windows 10 and Windows 7, incorporating many of the popular features from Windows 7 that were removed in Windows 10.
This edition is an "Upgrade" from Windows 8 that can also be installed on Windows 8 by updating the system. Our company recommends Windows 8.1 over Windows 8, as it is a more optimized system.
Recommended for:
Windows 8.1 uses the same system resources as Windows 10. It is compatible with the vast majority of computers on the market, both used and new.
Product Delivery:
This product is provided as a 25-digit digital license code. After making your payment, an email will be sent to you containing the activation code and instructions. The email will include a manual to guide you through the installation process easily, using the official system provided by the manufacturer.
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